SJ23 Tech Tip C20, (Updated 2017-09-05) Bob Schimmel


Companionway Seat.

Ever wanted to sit on the companionway?  The motion here is very comfortable while leaning against a side.  I used to sit there all the time on my previous boat but the problem with the SJ23 is that the companionway ridge is a tad sharp on the butt.  About 5 minutes is all that mine can handle.  If you can last longer than that, oh never mind!  Obviously the solution is to widen the ridge.  A cushion doesn't work because it slides off.  I had some scrap cedar lying around so decided to whack this "throne" together.

CONSTRUCTION - This "throne" is constructed of 3 sections of cedar that fit snug over the companionway ridge.  I chose cedar because it is both light and warm to sit on which is nice on a cool day.  Simply glue and fasten the pieces together.  Remember to sand the corners and clear coat the wood to protect it from the elements. 


The seat is strong enough to stand on but if the action on the water becomes lively I store it under the cockpit.  Its a great place to sit during happy hour as you sit a bit higher to scan the water around you and be in reach of the VHF.  For some reason this situation happens many times on Panache.

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