1 |
Place outboard shift lever in neutral.
- After removing the lower unit, DO NOT rotate the shift lever so the gears stay in alignment with the shift lever when reinstalling the lower unit.
2 |
the bolts that hold the lower unit (gear case & propeller) to the upper
The lower unit will usually drop
off now for a small outboard without a shifter. |
3 |
For an
outboard with a shifter, operate the shift lever to forward to
separate the lower assembly about 1/2" from the upper. This exposes the
screw that connects the upper portion of the shift lever to the lower
removed the screw through the crack you should be able to pull the lower assembly away
from the upper. If you have a long shaft converted outboard, look for
the screw above the spacer that was added to the leg. |
4 |
Remove the screws that hold the top half of
the water pump housing. Remove the cap and note
the condition of the impeller vanes and which direction they point.
Place the impeller on the work bench with the vanes pointing in the same direction when it was in the pump housing.
- Replace the impeller if the vanes are hard, cracked or missing. You MUST install the replacement impeller in the same direction.
5 |
With the impeller removed,
inspect the inside of the top and bottom sections of the water pump housing. |
If the housing surfaces are smooth then they are OK to
return to service. If they are rough, you should replace them.
A rough surface can quickly wear out an impeller. Roughness is an indication of sucking up sand in shallow water.
- Outboard water pumps are displacement type
pumps and depend on the side and end seals of the impeller to move water. If you run this
pump dry for only one turn you will likely tear off the fine seals on the
sides of the vanes.
6 |
If any rubber is missing from the impeller
count on it being inside the block. It must be removed so water flow is not
restricted. |
Direct tap water
into the water outlet nozzle of the outboard, letting water flow at full force. Use a fine tipped
nozzle on the end of a garden hose. This back flushes the
water cooling channels in the block and should remove any clumps of rubber. On my outboard it spit out rubber particles on the driveway almost immediately. If you can't spot them, then you should notice the water
flowing more freely afterwards.
7 |
Install the key pin that
couples the impeller to the drive shaft. Ensure the key pin is
squarely seated on the drive shaft so it will slide in the
slot of the impeller. |
I use a dab of grease to hold the key
pin in
- Cooking oil will protect the vanes for
the first few turns of the outboard.
- It is absolutely essential
that the lower leg be immersed in water for impeller
lubrication and cooling.
- Cooking oil is also useful for winter storage if you can get it in
8 |
Install the new impeller by rotating it
into the
water pump housing in the same direction it turns when the outboard runs. |
To protect the rubber vanes during installation spray them
with cooking oil or apply white grease before twisting it into the pump housing. The lubrication
protects the
all important side seals and tips of the vanes.
Don't tear the rubber on the sharp corners of the pump housing.
- If you have difficulty compressing the vanes, tighten a hose clamp around them. Hold the vane over the base and nudge the impeller in. Think ring compressor for a piston.
- If you install the vanes pointing backwards they are likely to
break when the outboard starts.
9 |
Lower the pump housing cap over the base and the tighten the screws. Be careful to align the SS plate correctly on top of the impeller. |
With some outboards is it important to
torque these screws to ensure the pump doesn't leak. A leaking
pump can't deliver all
the water to the block.
10 |
Install the lower leg unit to the power
head. Tighten the nuts you removed in step 1. |
It is fairly easy to align the drive
shaft to the power head and confirm it is installed correctly.
However, on some outboards it is difficult to also align the
water delivery tube into the pump outlet. Confirm both, don't guess.
- For some obscure reason I have to invert my Merc
outboard to align the drive shaft and water delivery tube. Up
side down
works every time.
11 |
Start the outboard with the leg in
the water
at least as deep as the cavitation plate. |
After the outboard starts you should
immediately see
a strong stream of water leaving the outlet nozzle.
- If there is no stream of water, I hate to say this but you "screwed up." Not nice to say but either the water delivery tube is not inside the water pump (step 10) or the key pin is not seated correctly (step 7). I learned this lesson the first time I replaced an impeller.