LAUNCHING RAMP, Dec 2023 - By late Christmas Eve the ice is well on its way to buckling the ramp where I launch Panache.  Its not "looking as good" anymore with the rebar bending to hold the concrete blocks together.  Notice how the blocks below the buckled ones no longer line up to the adjacent ramp.  This is a great example of the pressure of ice winning over a man made construction.  The ice is only a foot thick, despite the warm winter we have had here with the temperature hovering around freezing.  I guess the night time cooling is stronger than the day time heating.  Hopefully the County maintenance guys will have this repaired before launch time.  This could be a major problem to back a trailer in while straddling the space between the concrete blocks.
PS:  Those blocks are painted orange to warn the ice fishermen who go zipping out on the ice on their quads or Skidoos.  This ramp is their way on/off the lake.