SJ23 Tech Tip Index - Electrical.
(This index deals with the electrical power & electronics of an SJ23)

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TITLE - (Click here to SORT index by Tip Number)



E07  Power up with an Outboard Generator - Transom Electrical Connector for starter/generator. 2001-09-08
E04  Pulse Charge a Flooded Battery - Desulphate the plates & measure state of charge.  2018-03-14
E01  Power up with Solar Energy for Panache - Panel Types/Location - Hail Protection -  Dual Solar Panels - Flex Solar Panels - Charge Controllers (PWM & MPPT) - RFI & Voltage Spikes - PWM "Noise" reduction - Battery - Discharge Protection. 2024-10-15
E02  Power Distribution Panel for Panache - Factory panels - Panache panels - Schematic & components - Buss bars & battery - Wiring techniques & corrosion - Conductor info.  2023-04-28
E18  Power Distribution Panel for Destiny - Analogue gauges - Nice face plate.  2020-12-06
E11  LED Lights -  Minimal Power Consumption with Improved Illumination & Transient Suppression; Cabin - Cockpit - Running - Stern - Steaming - Anchor - Instrument & Windex Lights. 2024-11-21
E08  Battery Tie Down - To prevent spilling electrolyte (acid). 2015-10-21
E16  Automatic Bilge Pumps - Wiring and considerations for a flat bottom settee bilge pump. (under construction) 2024-11-08
E19  Deck Wash Pumps - Portable for light clean up & Permanent for power cleaning.  (under construction) 2023-07-03
E09  Wiring Inside the Mast - Installation and support. 2014-03-13


E10  Install a Fixed Mount DSC-VHF Radio -  Location considerations - Antennas - RF ground.  2017-06-19
E14  Cruising with a Personal GPS Tracker - Or how to keep your girl friend's handkerchief dry! 2016-05-18
E12  Self-Steering - Install a Tiller Autopilot. 2022-07-07
E12a  Self-Steering - Control a Tiller Autopilot with a Raspberry Pi.  2022-07-17
E20  Install a B&G Wind Sensor Display - Solar Powered. 2023-08-07
E13  Connect a GPS to an Autopilot or VHF Radio - Steer to a waypoint or along a route.  2018-12-08
E05  Install a Depth Sounder - Install smaller display - Shoot though the hull. 2022-05-28
E15  Install a Self Powered Knotmeter - Thru-hull Installation considerations. 2020-09-01
E06  Install a Portable Instrument - Includes the compass. 2019-09-16
E17  Install a Digital Media Player -  Location considerations.  2017-06-19


E03  Protection from Lightning - Minimize risk of becoming a strike zone.  2016-10-25
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